Review 7 – Local community

Since starting at Jollies just before her 1st birthday, our daughter has come on in leaps and bounds. The care and guidance she receives every day means she has progressed socially, emotionally and physically in such a short amount of time. Daily communication with her key worker, or another member of staff who has worked with her that day, means we are always up to date with how she has slept, what she has eaten and what fabulous things she has enjoyed doing that day. We love talking with staff and reading about how happy she is and the photos and observations that are shared with us in her profile are just a wonderful, more permanent, record of all she has achieved in her time there so far.

As a family who were new to the area when our daughter stared, we value all the time the children get to spend in the local community. Staff often plan visits to local shops and businesses, get involved with Woodlesford in Bloom and support local charities and organisations. (They even have links with the Easter Bunny who left a special delivery at Jollies during the Easter parade!)

Staff at Jolly Giraffes go above and beyond to make our daughter’s time at nursery a special one. Their hard work and commitment has made us feel part of the Jolly Giraffe’s family.  They plan interesting, engaging activities, communicate with each other and parents effectively and have created a safe and exciting environment for my little girl to thrive in!

Mrs P