Junk modelling!!

Our Free-Flow children experience even more independence as their Jolly learning journeys progress.

They all love to explore the areas across both of their rooms, but their grownups are now encouraging them to make further independent choices and take their play off in their own wonderful, crazy, amazing self-chosen directions…

They are being encouraged to exhibit complete freedom within our junk modelling area and instead of choosing from a range of resources laid out on the table top by a grown up to initially inspire the play, they are now being encouraged to actively seek out and select whatever they need to begin their project/build their creation as well as using their problem-solving skills to join the materials together to create their desired models.

Lots of choosing, lots of critical thinking, lots of problem-solving, lots of discussion and communication and lots of creating as models emerged… from passengers on the train, to a climbing frame, to a princess in a boat… we had it all going on in this very exciting area… whatever next?! Xxxx