Category: Uncategorized

Scrub a dub dub

Our babies are splashing in the tub!! xxxx

Peekaboo… with tuned in practitioners

At Jollies it’s all about the strong bonds and ‘tuning into’ what our children really desire… and this was illustrated perfectly through a recent interaction between Laura and one of her children. They brought her over some material so they could play peek-a-boo!! They were making their intentions very clear to her as they instigated …

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Hand/Eye Coordination

Emma got little fingers strengthening and hand/eye coordination growing recently when she set up an invitation to play in the messy tray. Our children threaded straw pieces onto spaghetti to create their structures and there was lots of discussion of colours and patterns and also naturally tonnes of counting too!! Yet all the while their …

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Think Pink 2023

From going on a ribbon hunt all around nursery, exploring and pouring pink water, squishing pink crazy foam, delving into sensory trays of pinkness, building pink towers, baking pink buns, decorating pink biscuits, creating shadows using pink sticky resources on the giant projector to creating a pink masterpiece… it’s all been going on here at …

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Pink day!

Thank you Team Jollies and all our children and mummies and daddies for all your fabulous pinkness this week…. Together we’ve raised both awareness and pennies for Breast Cancer Now xxxx

Tickled Pink Raffle

And the winner of our staff team game is…….. Kirstan Thank you all for having a go and helping to raise awareness and money for Breast Cancer Now xxxx

Clunk click!

Independence and perseverance is not just confined to our oldest children… This little one was observed working so very hard to put the clip back together on the baby doll carrier. They were looking closely throughout and really focusing on what they were doing as they tried to complete this self-set task. After persevering they …

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Outdoor fun!

There’s nothing like racing and chasing your friends through a tunnel in the garden is there?! Developing our physical and personal, social and emotional skills in the best way possible!! Run, crawl, stretch, chase, giggle…. REPEAT!!!!!!! xxxx

Independent Ways!!

Some of our children have loved dressing up recently and when they wanted to pop their favourite costumes on they automatically sought help from a nearby grown-up to do this for them. After being asked for help Imogen thought she’d try to see if our children could do it themselves with gentle guidance and lots …

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Pittas with a twist!!

It was pittas for tea recently, but Emma and Imogen decided to turn this into an even more exciting learning opportunity by making pittas with a twist… as they morphed into pitta based pizzas instead! Our children got to pick their own toppings and they were super grown up, careful and independent as they used …

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