The fairies flittered and fluttered and brought Christmas to Jollies…


Something magical awaits our children in the morning as this evening some fabulous fairies have turned nursery into an oasis of light and sparkle.

Fuelled by pizza and no/pro-secco bubbles the fairies have filled Jollies with Christmas magic to begin the exciting countdown to the big day in the best possible way for all our children…

We apologise in advance to all our lovely parents/carers as we suspect that drop off time may take a little longer than usual in the morning…… ?????? xxxx

Going nuts for marvellous movement play!!

We’ve been busy practising our physical skills and having a good old giggle too!

Our children loved participating in some exciting movement play recently when they explored using the ‘peanut’ to help strengthen their core muscles and balance, but the overriding theme seemed to just be that it was simply lots and lots of fun too!! Xxxx

Winter has arrived!

It’s beginning to look ?(and feel!!!! ?) a lot like winter!!!!!!! ❄️❄️❄️❄️ xxxx

The story bus returns!

Yesterday Sally and Lawrence brought the story bus again. We sang a welcome song as a group, added in some instruments and Sally read us a story. We could then choose stories to share with a friend or to read in the cosy hidey holes!!

Cooking up a storm in our role play kitchen!!


Stephen observed some of his children busy in the kitchen looking at some of the cook books together.

In order to further develop their role play and learning Stephen firstly observed closely and then he sensitively intervened where necessary to extend their communication and conversation further. He asked questions linked to what they were doing and what they were talking about. This then enabled the group to interact in even greater depth and explain their ideas, thoughts and feelings further; developing their communication and social skills through their self-initiated play.

There was definitely lots of talking and sharing of plans between them and they soon had a brilliant feast organised which they then set off happily to create together!!

We love seeing our children using real cookbooks to inspire their role play feasts…. and believe you me…. they are definitely feasts by the time they have all finished… cheers!! Xxxx

Charlie’s got nothing on us!!!!!


Our team showed themselves to be worthy of a job in Charlie’s factory when they recently worked hard as a team to make the…. ‘biggest chocolate ever’.

This self-initiated task sparked much imagination and creativity as our children became immersed in the magic of their role play scenario. They used water from the ‘water fall’ and mud and sand.

Everyone then mixed all the ingredients up together and then ‘cheersed’ themselves in celebration of their chocolatey creation!! ♥️ xxxx

Watch out, watch out there’s a monster about!!


After sharing monster stories our children decided to design their own on our interactive screen!

Don’t get scared now… xxxx

Help… Help… the monsters are in need of rescue!!


Do you have what it takes to rescue the monsters from their homes?! Luckily our children definitely did!!

In doing so they were focusing upon their fine motor skills within enclosed spaces and the precision of their hand/eye coordination!

Within this activity patience was key whilst they used a steady hand to manipulate the tweezers with control in order to be able to rescue the monsters from their ‘homes’.

Our children were very focused and motivated by their monster mission and they loved to count how many monsters they were rescuing too!

In Early Years developing fine motor skills, finger strength and hand/eye coordination is so very important, as it a pre-cursor for writing and eventually leads to being able to hold and use a pen effectively, confidently and comfortably ready for school!

So you’ll soon see there was method in this monster madness as our children excitedly discovered whether they’d got what it takes to save the monsters!! Xxxx

The magic of puppets!


Looks of amazement, laughter, snuggles, giggles and full-blown conversations…

The magic of make-believe as stories and songs truly come to life through puppetry ♥️ xxxx

Jolly Salon!

Have you booked your appointment at our Jolly salon yet?!

You’ll have to get in quick as it’s been non-stop appointments recently as clients have booked in for a shampoo and blow dry, or a quick restyle!!

Role playing days and superb hairstyling ways spent playing here at Jollies ♥️ xxxx